The Institutional basis of higher education research : Experiences and perspectives /

The Institutional basis of higher education research : Experiences and perspectives / ed. by Stefanie Schwarz ; Ulrich Teichler. - Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic, 2000. - vii, 269 p.

Introduction : Comparing the institutional basis of higher education research / Higher education research and its institutional basis / Future directions for higher education policy research / Patterns of communication and miscommunication between research and policy / On fate and intelligence : The Institutional base of higher education research / The Origins and structure of research on higher education in the United States / Higher education research in the UK : A short overview and a case study / Reseach on tertiary education in Australia / The Institutional basis of higher education research in Latin America with special emphasis on the role played by international and regional organizations / Higher education research : Reflections on Argentina and Latin America / Creating and community of scholars and institutionalizing higher education research in Israel / Higher education research in the Czech Republic / A Comparative study of the institutional basis of higher education research in Hungary and the Czech Repulic / Relationships among higher education research, policy and practice in South Africa / Improving higher education research at African universities : The Study programme on higher education management in Africa / Thinking about advanced learning systems / Training researchers and administrators in higher education doctoral programmes in the United States / The European higher education advanced training course / Doctoral graduates in higher education research : Training and careers in France / Higher dead end? / A Portrait of the researcher as a Young (Wo)man / Stefanie Schwarz, Ulrich Teichler -- Ulrich Theichler -- Maurice Kogan, Mary Henkel -- Elaine El-khawas -- Guy Neave -- James S. Fairweather -- John Brennan -- Grant Harman -- Carmen Garcia Guadilla -- Pedro Krotsch -- Sarah Guri-Rosenblit -- Helena Sebková -- Tamas Kozma, Imre Radasci -- Magda Fourie, Kalie Strydom -- Akilagpa Sawyerr -- Kathryn M. Moore -- Stefanie Schwarz -- Barbara M. Kehm -- Cathy Perret -- Jussi Välimaa -- Jeroen Bartelse, Jeroen Huisman



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