The Archaeology of Two Sites at Eastgate, Churchill Country, Nevada
Heizer, Robert Fleming
The Archaeology of Two Sites at Eastgate, Churchill Country, Nevada - United States of America : University of California, 1961. - iii, 119 p. : láms. ; 14 cm. - Anthropological Records ; 20:4 .
I. Wagon Jack Schelter, by Robert Fleming Heizer and Martin A. Baumhoff. II. Eastgate Cave, by Albert B. Elsasser and E. R. Prince
The Archaeology of Two Sites at Eastgate, Churchill Country, Nevada - United States of America : University of California, 1961. - iii, 119 p. : láms. ; 14 cm. - Anthropological Records ; 20:4 .
I. Wagon Jack Schelter, by Robert Fleming Heizer and Martin A. Baumhoff. II. Eastgate Cave, by Albert B. Elsasser and E. R. Prince