Uterotubal Insufflation: a Clinical Diagnostic Method of Determining the Tubal Factor in Sterility Including therapeutic Aspects and Comparative Notes of Hysterosalpingography
Rubin, I.
Uterotubal Insufflation: a Clinical Diagnostic Method of Determining the Tubal Factor in Sterility Including therapeutic Aspects and Comparative Notes of Hysterosalpingography - St. Louis : The C. V. Mosby Co, 1947. - 453 p. ; 18 cm.
Uterotubal Insufflation: a Clinical Diagnostic Method of Determining the Tubal Factor in Sterility Including therapeutic Aspects and Comparative Notes of Hysterosalpingography - St. Louis : The C. V. Mosby Co, 1947. - 453 p. ; 18 cm.