Adapting marketing to libraries in a changing and world-wide environment /

Adapting marketing to libraries in a changing and world-wide environment / Le marketing des bibliothèques á l'heure du changement et de la mondialisation IFLA. Section on Management and Marketing ; ed. by Réjean Savard. - München : K.G. Sauer, 2000. - 89 p. : gráficos - IFLA publications ; 89 .

La perception du marketing chez les bibliothécaires / Marketing library services. How it all began / How librarians apply marketing - As seen from the desk of the library manager / Marketing and swedish libraries. About the situation today and the importance of visible librarians / Les réticences des professionels de bibliothèque au marketing / Lobby for libraries. Putting marketing principles to work! / De l'adaptation du marketing dans les services et systèmes d'information en Afrique francophone / Marketing or public relations : A strategic choice for lithuanian libraries / Marketing of libraries and information centers in China : A case study / Marketing is an attitude of mind / Réjean Savard -- Greta Renborg -- Sissel Nilsen -- Christina Tovoté -- Marielle de Miribel -- Virginia Walsh -- Yawo Assigbley -- Audrone Glosiene -- Du Yuanking -- Hilkka Orava



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