Economics : an Introduction to Analysis and Policy
Bach, George Leland
Economics : an Introduction to Analysis and Policy - 9th. ed. - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1977 - xxii, 712 p.
Preface -- Part 1. Some foundations -- 1. Scarcity, private wants, and national priorities -- 2. Private enterprise, government, and the price system: an overview -- 3. Economics: Facts, theory, and fantasy -- 4. Business firms and market supply -- -- Part 2. National income, employment, and prices -- 5. Consumers and market demand -- 6. Supply, demand, and market prices -- 7. The macroeconomy: an overview -- 8. The national income accounts and economic welfare -- -- A. Theory -- 9. Aggregate supply and aggregate demand -- 10. Aggregate demand, income, and employment -- 11. Aggregate demand, the multiplier, and fiscal policy -- 12. The determinants of consumption and investment -- 13. Money, Aggregate demand, output, and prices -- 14. Aggregate demand, employment, and inflation: the modern synthesis -- 15. Business Cycles -- B. Policy -- -- 16. Fiscal Policy and the National Debt -- 17. Money and the federal reserve -- 18. Monetary policy -- 19. Inflation and unemployment: the modern dilemma -- -- Part 3. Markets, the price system, and the allocation of resources -- 20. The business firm and its costs -- 21. The business firm: Competitive output and price in the short run -- 22. Long run competitive equilibrium and economic efficiency -- 23. Agriculture: A case study in competition -- 24. Monopoly and public utilities -- 25. Monopolistic competition and advertising -- 26. Oligopoly, collusion, and market power -- 27. Business, antitrust, and the public interest -- 28. Consumer protection and government regulation -- 29. Externalities, pollution and the environment -- -- Part 4. The distribution of income and economic power -- 30. Incomes: the pricing of productive services -- 31. Wages and salaries: applying the theory -- 32. Unions, collective bargaining, and public policy -- 33. Property incomes: Rent, interest, and capital -- 34. Profits: Theory, facts, and fantasy -- -- Part 5. Public goods, income redistribution, and the public sector -- 35. The public sector -- 36. Public goods, income redistribution, and collective choice -- 37. Poverty, inequality, and government policy -- 38. Taxes and tax reform -- -- Part 6. The international economy -- 39. International trade and lending -- 40. Tariffs, import quotas, and free trade -- 41. International adjustments and the balance of payments -- 42. Current balance-of-payments problems -- -- Part 7. Economic growth -- 43. The theory of economic growth -- 44. Economic growth in the united states -- 45. Growth policy -- -- Part 8. The changing economic world -- 46. The less-develped countries -- 47. An overview: comparative economic systems -- -- Mathematica appendixes -- Suggestions for analysis of cases -- Index
Economics : an Introduction to Analysis and Policy - 9th. ed. - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1977 - xxii, 712 p.
Preface -- Part 1. Some foundations -- 1. Scarcity, private wants, and national priorities -- 2. Private enterprise, government, and the price system: an overview -- 3. Economics: Facts, theory, and fantasy -- 4. Business firms and market supply -- -- Part 2. National income, employment, and prices -- 5. Consumers and market demand -- 6. Supply, demand, and market prices -- 7. The macroeconomy: an overview -- 8. The national income accounts and economic welfare -- -- A. Theory -- 9. Aggregate supply and aggregate demand -- 10. Aggregate demand, income, and employment -- 11. Aggregate demand, the multiplier, and fiscal policy -- 12. The determinants of consumption and investment -- 13. Money, Aggregate demand, output, and prices -- 14. Aggregate demand, employment, and inflation: the modern synthesis -- 15. Business Cycles -- B. Policy -- -- 16. Fiscal Policy and the National Debt -- 17. Money and the federal reserve -- 18. Monetary policy -- 19. Inflation and unemployment: the modern dilemma -- -- Part 3. Markets, the price system, and the allocation of resources -- 20. The business firm and its costs -- 21. The business firm: Competitive output and price in the short run -- 22. Long run competitive equilibrium and economic efficiency -- 23. Agriculture: A case study in competition -- 24. Monopoly and public utilities -- 25. Monopolistic competition and advertising -- 26. Oligopoly, collusion, and market power -- 27. Business, antitrust, and the public interest -- 28. Consumer protection and government regulation -- 29. Externalities, pollution and the environment -- -- Part 4. The distribution of income and economic power -- 30. Incomes: the pricing of productive services -- 31. Wages and salaries: applying the theory -- 32. Unions, collective bargaining, and public policy -- 33. Property incomes: Rent, interest, and capital -- 34. Profits: Theory, facts, and fantasy -- -- Part 5. Public goods, income redistribution, and the public sector -- 35. The public sector -- 36. Public goods, income redistribution, and collective choice -- 37. Poverty, inequality, and government policy -- 38. Taxes and tax reform -- -- Part 6. The international economy -- 39. International trade and lending -- 40. Tariffs, import quotas, and free trade -- 41. International adjustments and the balance of payments -- 42. Current balance-of-payments problems -- -- Part 7. Economic growth -- 43. The theory of economic growth -- 44. Economic growth in the united states -- 45. Growth policy -- -- Part 8. The changing economic world -- 46. The less-develped countries -- 47. An overview: comparative economic systems -- -- Mathematica appendixes -- Suggestions for analysis of cases -- Index