Computer networks and internets

Comer, Douglas E.

Computer networks and internets - Upper Saddle River : , c1997 - xix, 506 p. : il. ; 24 cm + 1 CD-ROM

Incluye glosario y bibliografía. -- Contenido del disco: Material suplementario (figuras, animaciones, imágenes digitales y archivos de datos) para Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows y sistemas UNIX. --

Transmission media -- Local asynchronous communication (RS-232) -- Long-distance communication (carriers and modems) -- Packets, frames, and error detection -- LAN technologies and network topology -- Hardware addressing and frame type identification -- LAN wiring. Physical topology, and interface hardware -- Extending LANs: fiber-modems, repeaters, bridges, and switches -- WAN technologies and routing -- Network ownership, service paradigm, and performance -- Protocols and layering -- Internetworking: concepts, architecture, and protocols -- IP: Internet Protocol Addresses -- Binding protocol addresses (ARP) -- IP datagrams and datagram forwarding -- IP encapsulation, fragmentation, and reassembly -- The future IP (IPv6) -- An error reporting mechanism (ICMP) -- TCP: reliable transport service -- Client-server interaction -- The Socket interface -- Example of a client and a server -- Naming with the domain name system -- Electronic mail representation and transfer -- File transfer and remote file access -- World Wide Web pages and browsing -- CGI technology for dynamic web documents -- Java technology for active web documents -- Network management (SNMP) -- Network security -- Iniciatization (configuration).




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