Object-oriented databases with applications to CASE, networks, and VLSI CAD

Sin autor

Object-oriented databases with applications to CASE, networks, and VLSI CAD - 1st ed. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, c1991 - xiv, 447 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - Prentice Hall series in data and knowledge base systems .

Incluye bibliografía y biografía de los autores. --

1. A guide to the OODB landscape -- 2. A perspective on object-oriented and semantic database models and systems -- 3. Algorithmic and computational aspects of object-oriented schema design -- 4. Conceptual database evolution through learning -- 5. The hypermodel benchmark for evaluating object-oriented databases -- 6. Transition to object-oriented development: promoting a new paradigm -- 7. An overview of existing object-oriented database systems -- 8. An object-oriented database system to support an integrated programming environment -- 9. Programming with VBase -- 10. Abstract state and representation in VBase -- 11. Object SQL -- 12. Integrating an object server with other worlds -- 13. the development of a framework for VLSI CAD -- 14. Object database support for CASE -- 15. An object-oriented model for network management -- 16. An object-oriented geographical information system -- 17. Using an object database to build integrated design environments -- 18. A quickstart introduction to C++ -- 19. C++ and COP: a brief comparison -- 20. ODE (Object Database and Environment): the language and the data model -- 21. ONTOS: a persistent database for C++.




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