Governing higher education : National perspectives on institutional governance / ed. by Alberto Amaral ; Glen A. Jones ; Berit Karseth. - Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic, 2002. - xxxi, 298 p. - Higher education dynamics ; 2 .

The Emergent role of external stakeholders in European higher education governance / Organisational strategies and governance structures in Dutch universities / Trust, the essence of governance? / The Recent evolution of French universities / University governance and finance: The Impact of changes in resource allocation on decision making structures / Between control, rituals and politics : The Governing board in higher education institutions in Norway / The Construction of curricula in a new educational context : Roles and responsibilities in nursing education in Norway / Interdepartamental functional integration and decentralisation of decision making in the merged colleges of hegher education in Flanders, Belgium / New managerialism, professional power and organisational governance in UK universities : A Review and assessment / Higher education governance in UK : Change and continuity / The Structure of university governance in Canada : A Policy network approach / On the road to mediocrity? Governance and management of Australian higher education in the market place / Governance in US universities : Alingning internal dynamics with today's needs / Governing higher education : Comparingnational perspectives / Alberto Amaral, António Magalhâes -- Peter Maassen -- Harry De Boer -- Christine Musselin, Stéphanie Mignot-Gérard -- Chevaillier Thierry -- Ingvild Marheim Larsen -- Berit Karseth -- Jef C. Verhoeven, Geert Devos -- Michael I. Reed -- Oliver Fulton -- Glen A. Jones -- V. Lynn Meek -- Elaine El-Khawas -- Alberto Amaral, Glen A. Jones, Berit Karseth



Enseñanza superior
Papel de la educación
Currículo universitario
Gestión educacional
Administración de la enseñanza
Planificación de la educación
Sistemas educacionales

Reino Unido
Estados Unidos de América
