Financing Decentralized Expenditures : An International Comparison of Grants - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 1997 - xiv, 396 p. - Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-Local Finance .

List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Contributors -- Foreword by Wallace E. Oates -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Interfobernmental Transers - An International Perspective -- Ehtisham Ahmad -- 2. Assessing Provincial Revenue-raising Capacity for Transfers -- Douglas H. Clark -- 3. Expenditure Needs: Institutions and Data -- C. Richard Rye and Bob Searle -- 4. The Fiscal Transfer System in Canada -- Douglas H. Clark -- 5. Intergovernmental Transfers in Switzerland and Germany -- Paul Bernd Spahn -- 6. The Fiscal Transfers System in Australia -- C. Richard Rye and Bob Searle -- 7. Denmark and Other Scandinavian Countries: Equalization and Grants -- Joergen R. Lotz -- 8. Financing Regional and Local Governments - Italy and Spain -- Giorgio Brosio -- 9. Intergovernmental Transfers in India -- M. Govinda Rao -- 10. Local Autonomy and Fiscal Resources in korea -- Soo Keun Kim -- 11. Fiscal Transfers in Indonesia -- Zia Qureshi -- 12. The New Revenue-Sharing Arrangement in China: An Illustrative Example -- Dubravko Mihaljek -- 13. Constraints in Reforming the Transfer System in China -- Lou Jiwei -- 14. Types of Transfers - A General Formulation -- Ehtisham Ahmad and Ravi Thomas -- -- Index



