Unger, Russ

A guide to UX design : for user experience designers in the field or in the making - 2nd ed. - S.l. : New Riders, c2012 - xviii, 341 p. : il. - Voices That Matter .

Incluye índice.

Introduction -- 1. The Tao of UXD -- What Is User Experience Design? -- The Broad Definition -- Don’t Forget the Tangible -- Our Focus -- About UX Designers -- Where UX Designers Live -- Let’s Get Started! -- 2. The Project Ecosystem -- Identify the Type of Site -- Brand Presence -- Marketing Campaign -- Content Source -- Task-Based Applications -- E-Commerce Sites -- E-Learning Applications -- Social Networking Applications -- Mobile Sites and Applications -- Choose Your Hats -- Information Architect -- Interaction Designer -- User Researcher -- Other Roles You May Play or May Need -- Building a Network of User Advocacy -- Understand the Company Culture -- History -- Hierarchy -- Logistics -- Pulling It Together -- 3. Proposals for Consultants and Freelancers -- Proposals -- Creating the Proposal -- Title Page -- Revision History -- Project Overview -- Project Approach -- Scope of Work -- Assumptions -- Deliverables -- Ownership and Rights -- Additional Costs and Fees -- Project Pricing -- Payment Schedule -- Acknowledgment and Sign-Off -- Statements of Work -- 4. Project Objectives and Approach -- Solidify Project Objectives -- How Can a UX Designer Help? -- Understand the Project Approach -- Waterfall Approach -- Agile Approaches -- Modified Approaches -- How Does the Approach Affect Me? -- -- 5. Business Requirements -- Understand the Current State -- Heuristic Analysis -- Gather Ideas from Stakeholders -- Outline Responsibilities -- Gather the Right Stakeholders -- Create a Plan for the Meetings -- Sales: Requirements-Gathering Meeting -- Run the Meetings Effectively -- Coalescing Requirements -- 6. User Research -- Basic Steps of User Research -- Define Your User Groups -- Create a List of Attributes -- Prioritize and Define -- Choosing Research Techniques -- How Many Research Activities Can I Include? -- User Interviews -- Contextual Inquiry -- Surveys -- Focus Groups -- Card Sorting -- Usability Testing -- After the Research -- 7. Personas -- What Are Personas? -- Why Create Personas? -- Finding Information for Personas -- Creating Personas -- Minimum Content Requirements -- Optional Content -- Advanced Personas -- Guerrilla Personas: The Empathy Map -- Final Thoughts on Personas -- 8. Content Strategy -- Why Do You Need Content Strategy? -- When Do You Need Content Strategy? -- Who Does Content Strategy? -- How Long Does Content Strategy Last? -- This Sounds Familiar -- Tools of the Trade -- The Artifacts -- What is the One Artifact You Need? -- Additional Resources -- Things to Look Out For -- 9. Transition: From Defining to Designing -- Ideate and Visualize Features -- The Basic Process of Storyboarding -- Facilitate the Prioritization Process -- Maintain a Good Tension -- The Development Advocate -- Managing Conflict During Prioritization -- Plan Your Activities and Documentation -- 10. Design Principles -- Visual Design -- Unity and Variety -- Hierarchy and Dominance -- Economy of Elements -- Proportion and Balance -- Interaction -- Associations and Affordance -- Economy of Motion -- Response -- Psychology -- The Effect of Attractive Design -- Flow & Game Design -- Social Proof -- Creating Your Own Guiding Principles -- 11. Site Maps and Task Flows -- Tools of the Trade -- Basic Elements of Site Maps and Task Flows -- Page -- Pagestack -- Decision Point -- Connectors and Arrows -- Conditions -- Common Mistakes -- Sloppy Connections -- Misaligned and Unevenly Spaced Objects -- Poorly Placed Text -- Lack of Page Numbering -- The Simple Site Map -- Advanced Site Maps -- Breaking the Site Map Mold -- Task Flows -- Taking Task Flows to the Next Level -- Swimlanes -- 12. Wireframes and Annotations -- What Are Annotations? -- Who Uses Wireframes? -- Creating Wireframes -- Tools of the Trade -- Start Simply: Design a Basic Wireframe -- Getting Started -- The Wireframes and Annotations -- Creating Wireframes: A Sample Process -- What is This Sketching You Mention? -- Into the Digital: Wireframes -- Into the Digital: Visual Design -- Hey, What About This Responsive Design Stuff I Hear About? -- Wireframes Vs. Prototypes -- Which Design Is Right? -- A Final Note on Presenting Wireframes -- 13. Prototyping -- How Much Prototype Do I Need? -- Paper Prototyping -- Digital Prototyping -- Wireframe vs. Realistic Prototypes -- HTML vs. WYSIWYG Editors -- Additional Tools for Prototyping -- Working with a Developer -- Prototype Examples -- What Happens After Prototyping? -- 14. Design Testing with Users -- Exploring Visual Design Mock-Ups -- Choosing a Design Testing Approach -- Qualitative Research vs. Quantitative Research -- In-Person Research vs. Remote Research -- Remote Research Considerations -- Moderated Techniques vs. Automated Techniques -- Usability Testing -- Planning the Research -- Recruiting and Logistics -- Writing Discussion Guides Facilitating -- Analyzing and Presenting Results -- Creating Recommendations -- 15. Transition: From Design to Development and Beyond -- Almost Done -- Visual Design, Development, and Quality Assurance -- Design Testing with Users (Again) -- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … Launch! -- Personal Advantage -- Support -- Network Opinion -- Postlaunch Activities -- Postlaunch Analytics -- Postlaunch Design Testing with Users (Again, Again) -- 16. A Brief Guide to Meetings -- The Agenda -- Meeting Rules -- After the Meeting -- Dealing with Nonconformers -- A Final Note on Meetings -- All Done, Right? -- Just Like Starting Over -- -- Index

