A Programed Course in Calculus by
- The Mathematical Association of America
- Alexander, Howard W
- Botts, Truman A
- Durst, Lincoln K
- Earl, Boyd L
- Greenberg, Herbert J
- Houston, William B
- Hunzeker, Hubert L
- Lindstrom, Wendell D
- Maltese, George J
- Meacham, Robert C
- Moore, Robert A
- Nordhaus, Edward A
- Price, Justin J
- Roberts, Robert A
- Sterrett, Andrew
- Troyer, Robert J
- Willcox, Alfred B
- Gere, Brewster H [Director]
Material type: Text; Format:
large print
regular print
Publication details: New York : W. A. Benjamin, 1968
Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca Fac.Ciencias Económicas: Consulta en Sala (1)Call number: PHL 517 PRO T.5 (in).
A Programed Course in Calculus by
- The Mathematical Association of America
- Alexander, Howard W
- Botts, Truman A
- Durst, Lincoln K
- Earl, Boyd L
- Greenberg, Herbert J
- Houston, William B
- Hunzeker, Hubert L
- Lindstrom, Wendell D
- Maltese, George J
- Meacham, Robert C
- Moore, Robert A
- Nordhaus, Edward A
- Price, Justin J
- Roberts, Robert A
- Sterrett, Andrew
- Troyer, Robert J
- Willcox, Alfred B
- Gere, Brewster H [Director]
Material type: Text; Format:
large print
regular print
Publication details: New York : W. A. Benjamin, 1968
Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca Fac.Ciencias Económicas: Consulta en Sala (1)Call number: PHL 517 PRO T.4 (in).
A Programed Course in Calculus by
- The Mathematical Association of America
- Alexander, Howard W
- Botts, Truman A
- Durst, Lincoln K
- Earl, Boyd L
- Greenberg, Herbert J
- Houston, William B
- Hunzeker, Hubert L
- Lindstrom, Wendell D
- Maltese, George J
- Meacham, Robert C
- Moore, Robert A
- Nordhaus, Edward A
- Price, Justin J
- Roberts, Robert A
- Sterrett, Andrew
- Troyer, Robert J
- Willcox, Alfred B
- Gere, Brewster H [Director]
Material type: Text; Format:
large print
regular print
Publication details: Nueva York : W. A. Benjamin, 1968
Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca Fac.Ciencias Económicas: Consulta en Sala (1)Call number: PHL 517 PRO T.3 (in).
Mathematics and computing : with FORTRAN programming by
- Dorn, William S
- Greenberg, Herbert J
Edition: 1st corr. print.
Material type: Text; Format:
large print
regular print
Publication details: Nueva York : , 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Fac.Informática (1)Call number: J.2 DOR .
Matemáticas y computación : con programación FORTRAN by
- Dorn, William S
- Greenberg, Herbert J
Edition: 1a ed.
Material type: Text; Format:
large print
regular print
Publication details: México : Limusa-Wiley, 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Fac.Informática (1)Call number: J.2 DOR .